I have been touched by the life and death of Sarah Burke. It may be that she is a local Southern Georgian Bay girl. It maybe that my sons are skiers. It may be that I have watched races and falls through the eyes of a mother, with fear and apprehension. A few years ago another young man from Southern Georgian Bay had a serious head injury during training in Colorado. He recovered but it was the end of his dreams. I thought it would impact my sons, change the way they skied. It didn't. They ski for the love of it. Reading about Sarah Burke and her husband Rory Bushnell helped me understand. It is their life and without it they would not be the same people. Sarah lived life skiing on the edge. I am sure if you could ask her she wouldn't change anything.
A daredevil, with a passion and enthusiasm for life. An inspiration for women young and old everywhere. It doesn't matter if you aren't a sports enthusiast. Sarah showed us that with determination, commitment and passion any goal can be achieved. She championed for the inclusion of women in her sport, ensuring she and generations of other young women could pursue their dreams.
Thank you Sarah for being a role model and inspiration.

Sarah Burke Sept 19 2011
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