It's Halloween! I used to have so much fun decorating for Halloween and giving out candy and the odd scare to the trick or treaters. When my boys were young we lived in High Park and it was a very artsy, creative area. This translated into some of the most amazing houses for halloween. I will never forget one house, they would go all out. Huge cauldrons with fog coming out, coffins with scary corpses rising. The homeowners must have invested an incredible amount of money and time, it was truely a sight to be seen. I would take the kids and they would be fascinated until we got to the point of actually having to walk up the path to trick or treat. Then my son, would scream at the top of his lungs "Get me out of here NOW!" For me that was the highlight of halloween. I know maybe I am slightly deranged....
Anyway sadly now, we live outside of your typical subdivision area, the houses are a little bit further apart, and on "the other side of the road", so we literally get no one coming trick or treating. I decorated the first year we moved in but it was a wasted effort. If you build it they will come... not so much...
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